Pathologic Wiki

Welcome to the Pathologic Wiki

This community is a collaborative resource for the game Pathologic Classic HD, developed by Ice Pick Lodge. The game is a remake of the 2005 version is available on Steam, GOG and the Humble Store. This community is maintained with contributions from the fans. Discussions are available to all FANDOM registered users. All editors are welcome. This community is currently seeking an Admin. 

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About The Game

The plot of Pathologic is broken into twelve days, each of them bringing new stories, quests, and events. Time flows mercilessly: if you fail to finish a task when it’s due, the opportunity goes away—as do human lives. You are completely free to roam and explore the Town, bartering, talking to strangers and generally surviving.

Featured Screenshots <wikia-reference contenteditable="false" readonly="true" data-community="pathologic" data-query="?Gallery==Home [gallery 1]" data-widget="carousel"></wikia-reference> Featured Videos <img src="Pathologic_%28%D0%9C%D0%BE%D1%80.%D0%A3%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%8F%29_on_Kickstarter" alt="Pathologic (???.??????) on Kickstarter" width="480"> Pathologic on Kickstarter
